Am I Pregnant?
All Services Free and Confidential
If you had a positive home pregnancy test or are experiencing common symptoms of pregnancy, you may be asking, “Am I pregnant?”
Do any of these sound familiar?
- I’ve missed a period
- I feel like throwing up sometimes
- My breasts feel tender
- I have to pee more often
- I’m more tired than usual
- I’m having mood swings
Although not everyone experiences these signs, the symptoms above are commonly associated with early pregnancy. If you are pregnant (or think you might be), the first step is to take a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test will confirm if you are pregnant or not. Most tests you can buy are very reliable, but only a physician or other appropriate healthcare professional can answer your question, “Am I pregnant?”
If you have had sex, there is always a chance of pregnancy. Jaime’s Place offers free clinic-quality pregnancy tests, available at no cost. If you have a positive test, our trained staff can talk with you and provide a free ultrasound to help determine how far along you are. We also offer counseling to review your options in a judgment-free environment. Advice includes free resources, classes, support groups, and more. You may be pregnant, but you are not alone! Stop asking, “Am I pregnant?” and get the answer today.
Contact us about a no-cost appointment and pregnancy test.
NOTE: The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.